Planning a new kitchen? Read this first

We want every customer to have the best kitchen for them at a price they can afford. The words of John Le Masurier of kitchen company, Kutchenhaus, whom I met at their Petersfield Showroom earlier this week. Deciding where to buy a new kitchen is a minefield. When there are so many suppliers around, how […]
Featured builder: Damien Gartside – expert tiler

“I was always really good at art. I got an A* in school. Hopefully my customers give me the same rating.” Meet Damien Gartside, expert-tiler; Yorkshireman; dad. His expertise may in part be due to the fact he started tiling when he was just 14, when his mum’s partner started teaching him. He took to […]
November Newsletter
Pre-Love. It’s funny how time flies when you’re having fun. This is the twenty-fourth time I have sat down to write something for our weekly email. It feels like I’ve written double that amount, but that’s how it feels when you do something new you enjoy, make a new friend or move somewhere that brings […]