
Thoughts for the Weekend & this Week’s Links

Decaff Dreaming. This week, I’ve left it late. Overslept. I woke at 4 am. It was too early to start work, but I wasn’t sleepy, so I put on a podcast and listened to an interview with a chap called Whitley Strieber. He regularly slept with an alien in the 1980s. I did fall back […]

Thoughts for the Weekend & this Week’s Links

Running Through Time: A Journey to Less is More. I love running around a place I don’t know; it is a reason to stay fit. I saw an interview with Lance Armstrong the other day. He doesn’t have any events to train for nowadays. So, he is training to “be prepared to do whatever anybody […]

Thoughts for the Weekend & this Week’s Links

The Image of a City. I spent last weekend ‘stoatin’ aboot’ Edinburgh with Rhondda—32,742 steps of ‘stoatin’ aboot’ to be precise. It’s Rhondda’s hometown and my first visit. I ran to the beach (5km), ate overpriced steak, went to an engagement party, danced till 3 am in a basement, and argued in the Royal Commonwealth Swimming […]

Planning a new kitchen? Read this first

A Kuchenhaus kitchen

We want every customer to have the best kitchen for them at a price they can afford. The words of John Le Masurier of kitchen company, Kutchenhaus, whom I met at their Petersfield Showroom earlier this week. Deciding where to buy a new kitchen is a minefield. When there are so many suppliers around, how […]

January’s Newsletter & This Week’s Links

A modern, open-plan living kitchen

New Year, New Designs & the Sun’s Out. Happy New Year to all of you! As John Lennon said, “Let’s hope it’s a good one, without any fear.” I’m excited to embark on this journey through 2024. I know it will be ‘a good one’, filled with fun, creativity, and much to share. The year […]

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